‘Tilda, John, Yoko, Tracey, Ron and me’ a #beddingout blog post!

“In my recent interview about Bedding Out for BBC Ouch!* , I was asked “So is this a sort of John and Yoko for PIP or more a sort of Tracey Emin-related activity?”

When I began to dream up Bedding Out, I kept bumping into John and Yoko and Tracey and began to wonder how many other have made art based on the bed. Quite a few, it turns out, though not many actually inhabit their beds or convey a sense of their bed as occupied.

This week, though, actor Tilda Swinton has hit the headlines, sleeping in a glass box in New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, in a reprise of her 1995 performance The Maybe. You only have to read the comments sections in the press to know that this is the marmite of the art world, and whilst I can’t abide marmite, I find something deeply tender in this sleeping form made public, this voluntary act of vulnerability. Asleep in the gallery for several six-and-a-half-hour stints*  over the year, the audience can linger as long as they choose in the privilege of the gaze.”

Read on….http://www.disabilityartsonline.org.uk/?location_id=2053&item=1760

“I’m Here To Be Seen” Liz Crow’s #beddingout Photo Competition is underway! Get clicking #disability #invisibleillness

It’s Competition time!

We have an exciting competition for you budding amateur photography enthusiasts, video makers which could put your bed image firmly on our beddingout map – literally!  I really want to see where in the world you all are and create a virtual ‘Bedding Out Involvement Map’.  I’ve always wanted people to own the project and to feel as involved as possible, this is just one way in which we can highlight how many of us are currently genuinely affected by attitudes towards disability and the image being created by the media and our Governments.

Cameras at the ready, we are looking for your best colour photographs or videos depicting, symbolising, and even celebrating your bed. There’s a fantastic prize (well ok, maybe not fantastic, but it’s OK….)

free-itunes-gift-card a £15 (or your Country currency equivalent) iTunes gift card.

General rules of entry

Photographs/Videos should be submitted via Facebook page: http://on.fb.me/142Hsyb or to @RGPLizCrow on twitter, or if you prefer by email to tweetmeister, Dawn Willis, quinonostante@hotmail.com (in the subject box – Bedding Out ) – Please include your name, and where in the world you are.. 


No photographs/videos of people in rude, nude or compromising situations or indeed animals – we need to keep things clean!

Photographs/videos can be of any time of the year, any part of your bed, of you (clothes on), your view from your bed, your bedding, your teddy bear, something which represents what your bed means to you.

Must be original  not from internet or whatever, because we’ll have those copyright police chasing our tails. It is your responsibility to ensure that any photographs/videos submitted have been taken with the consent of anyone who is identifiable from your photograph or film.

The closing date for the competition is Sunday 14th April 2013 . Entries submitted after this date will not be included.

A panel of 2  judges will pick the winner, their decision will be final.

Prize will be dispatched either electronically or by post within 5 days of competition ending.

Important: Entrants will retain copyright and moral rights in their submitted images and you will continue to be able to publish, sell, loan or otherwise use the photograph(s)/videos in any way that you wish. By entering the Competition, you are granting Roaring Girl Productions a perpetual, non-revocable, royalty free, non-exclusive, worldwide licence to publish or otherwise use the photograph(s)/videos in any media including, but not limited to, the following:

  •  publication of the photograph by Roaring Girl Productions on social media sites
  • publication of the photograph on the Roaring Girl Productions websites

Get clicking, get your friends and family clicking. Let’s show the world We are here to be seen!

Ik moet hier worden gezien…..

Sono qui essere visto


Estoy aquí ser visto
Я должны здесь быть увиденным

Eu estou aqui ser visto

Je suis ici pour être vu

Ich bin hier gesehen zu werden




You picked your bed, you gotta lie in it! #beddingout

From Dawn Willis:

“I recently bought a new bed. I spent days browsing the internet for deals. Thing is the bed had to be right. I wanted modern, sleek, cheap, a headboard that wasn’t padded and pink like my nan’s and a mattress which would guarantee blissful slumber, and all for around three hundred quid.

It was not easy, let me tell you. I could have a metal bed frame with iron headboard, not really built for resting my reading back on. Or I could have an ottoman storage bed, which I could hide my excess junk, never to be seen again because if I wanted to get to it I’d be dismantling the bed, and I’m far too lazy for that!

Cool bedMy dream of throwing myself onto an immaculately made bed, covered in golden silk sheets and sinking into a marshmallow mattress enveloped in luscious quilted throws, whilst surrounded by delightful boudoir cushions was, all the while looking like I had just stepped out of a Vogue fashion shoot … was exactly that, a dream. Marshmallow mattress!! I’m far too old for that. Silk sheets? Expensive and slippery! And as for the Vogue me, well that’s serious fantasy!

So began the is it too hard or too soft mattress malarkey. I was getting away from a memory foam thing which seemed to forget I slept there and ensured every part of me ached next morning. There were extra firm, firm, medium firm, sprung, pocket, air pocket, spring, wring, cling… it was all very confusing. What was clear was I needed practical comfort, but it couldn’t have flowers.. or be blue, most certainly not blue, when I was made homeless and moving out I remember my blue mattress being heaved onto the removal truck and the memory doesn’t fit well with comfort  I associate with ‘my bed’.

So your reading this and thinking something like ‘flipping eck it was just a cheap bed, how hard can that be?’ (‘hard’, do you see what did there?) Yet it was, it took me about ten days to decide, I got the platform from one place, the mattress from another. I wanted the best nest I could get for my money, but knowing that it has to last, needs to do the job because I can’t afford it not to.

Whilst I don’t have a ‘bed life’ my life is made manageable by having a place where I can rest well.

I guess writing this little missive has served to make me aware that there must be a massive emphasis of getting your bed right if it’s somewhere you spend a lot of your days, in both comfort and discomfort.

Can we talk about your beds? See your bed? Hear your bed buying dramas….?”

It really is all about #beddingout

I made my bed… I lie in it

Dawns Bed



Diary Of A Benefit Scrounger from Sue Marsh, fighting the fight, quite often from her bed! #ESAendgame #beddingout

I have a rare form of Crohn’s Disease. I was diagnosed 21 years ago and have had many operations to remove strictures (narrowings in my bowel that grow like tumours) I suffer daily pain, often vomiting, malnourished and weak. I take mega-strong medications every day including chemo-style immuno-suppressants, opiates and anti-sickness injections. Sometimes I am fed into my central vein by tube, other times I can enjoy a nice meal out. I have children that I often can’t look after and a husband who often looks after me. Our lives are disrupted daily by the misery of a chronic condition.

Read and act:  http://diaryofabenefitscrounger.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/todays-esaendgame-request-important.html

#Salisbury Arts, presenting ‘People Like You’, and like you, and me. #disability #MentalHealth #beddingout


People Like You is a partnership between LinkUpArts, Disability Arts Online and Salisbury Arts Centre and features work by Gini, Sue Austin, Liz Crow, LinkUpArts and other artists.

  • Salisbury Arts Centre
  • FREE entry

People Like You is a purposefully participatory new touring show that tackles the subjectivity and perceptions of disability.  Through performance, film, sculpture and audience interaction, it explores commonalities of human experience and conjures some very uncommon experiences of its own.


Gini’s Disability Arts Online commission ‘Creatives in Con.text’ digests conversations into multi layered text works. The title piece is formed of functional grab rails.  Gini explains: “First offered to me by a man who followed it up with “…should be taken out and shot”, ‘People Like You’ is an enigmatic phrase made even more interesting by social media trends. [grab rails] are everywhere, often taken for granted….  I chose Shocking Pink to counteract the drab, unisex nature of the paraphernalia of disability.”  Her other pieces include life size Soft Sculptures and ceramic collaborations.


Liz Crow reveals the hidden realities behind the public life of many disabled people with the deeply personal exposé, ‘Bedding Out’.  During a continuous 48-hour performance she will be in bed in the gallery space, holding conversations with visitors in person and via Twitter.


Sue Austin’s ‘Creating the Spectacle!’ has been described by the Telegraph as ‘One of the most compelling images of the [2012] Games’.  From 10 – 14 April, she will present an immersive installation filmed under the Red Sea, celebrating the wheelchair as a tool of freedom and creativity.  Both Liz and Sue’s installations will be present in different formats throughout the show.


Find out when where and how by clicking this link…..    http://www.salisburyartscentre.co.uk/whats-on/Event.aspx?EventID=571