Our #Beddingout Competition…it wasn’t how we imagined, and that’s OK. Announcing a winner!

You may recall that as part of ‘Bedding Out’ at Salisbury Arts Center this month we hoped to create a huge visual map to highlight the hidden and private lives of people affected by disability.

We asked for your interpretation of a what your ‘bed-life’ is because it was in context to the work Liz was creating with the live performance from her bed.

When I thought about the idea of a visual competition I thought that for many people the risk of revealing themselves is too great because it’s too personal, too real. Opening a door into your private world, when we are already facing increasing hate crime, and  where internet trolling is rampant, was perhaps too big an ask.

What I can say is that despite not being able to create a huge visual masterpiece Bedding Out reached over 80 countries around the world. We are amazed by that figure and happy to have been involved with chatter on twitter with folks from as far away as Australia and Japan!

However, back to that competition, there were entrants, photos, videos and even blogs… and we have a prize.

Since we can’t decide who should win on the basis of who is better at #beddingout, because that’s just plain weird, we’ve decided we’d go on how someone unaffected by a disability and who had no direct connection with the entrants felt impacted upon them most.

So, as decided by 18 year old student Natalie Miles, and Mr Andrew Carter (Engineer) we have a winner….

Sincere thanks go to Chris Evans (twitter @Onlyfluffyone) for allowing others to see that which no-one usually gets to see … Congratulations! https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_N7rpizgUL8

We truly don’t mean to sound cheesy when we say we feel everyone who jumped into bed with this idea and the competition is a winner, because you are.

Thank you for continuing to shout, tweet, blog and demand that people listen to the voices of the disabled – you guys rock!