Book now for: Disability, Arts and Diversity Symposium: ‘From the Personal to the Universal’. @SalisburyArts #beddingout

Disability, Arts and Diversity Symposium: ‘From the Personal to the Universal’

  • DATE

    • Wed, 10 Apr 2013, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM


    Salisbury Arts Centre


    £10 including lunch


Live BSL interpretation and note taking

The current overhaul of benefits has intensified debate about who is disabled, and the necessity to ‘perform’ this identity to be validated. Meanwhile Disabled artists enjoyed perhaps their highest profile yet in the UK through Unlimited and other London 2012 Paralympics programmes. This symposium brings together artists, campaigners and producers to discuss the implications and opportunities for Disability Arts and its activist role in the wider social context. The artists exhibiting in ‘People Like You’ will also discuss the works in the show.

Speakers include Dr Sarah Bennett (Associate Professor of Fine Art, University of Plymouth); Hassan Mahamdallie (Senior Strategy Officer, Arts Council England); Marc Steene (Assistant Director, Pallant House Gallery and curator of ‘Outside In’); Jo Verrent (co-curator of ‘Push Me’, a programme around the 2012 Unlimited commissions); and the artists in ‘People Like You’.

Book Online by clicking the link below.